fuhhh...what a refreshing day..time passing by and i'm counting the days..whatt???the finale.. T_T
9 days to go tapi aku belom lagi bukak buku.Hallo mira!wake up!x banyak masa dah ni...jgn lagha...~jwb hati "ye...i know...in shaa Allah esok saya akn stat bukak buku and that time no blogging2 anymore taw!erkkk..ye ke??haha!maybe not..after all,blogging is my world my passion too..in fact,writing...
okkey!today i would like to hupdate several things.emm...some of them.toooo many events occur lately but i will strory morry one by one.not in this single entry je la maknanye.,hee...well readers, i'm currently in my stydy leave.tak balik rumah@kampung because tak de perasaan nak balikpun.taw knape?because thisis my last year@semester in UiTM Melaka soooo..i'm a bit sad and emotional gitttoo..well i can say it.. excessive!
terrrlalu banyak peristiwa,situasidan sewaktu denganye lah yang berlaku since i'm here. For sure i'llnever forget them!after all..i have learnt so much and just take it easy.don't want to berat2 kan kepala dah (this is for all the pressures that make me suffer,but the sweet things at least i knowmyself better,thnx!)
dannnn.....untuk merehatkan diri seblom aku start study,opkos...GIRLS DAY OUT!i spend my first week's study leave at my bestpren place.yela..tade orang kat aparment tu..kosong!so baek aku duk sana ada la jugak orang nak melayan kann..so,smalam we all keluar la brdua.cuci mata and u know what?? i manage to buy 2 books.naik pening masuk POPULAR BOOKSTORE sbb baaaanyakkkkk sangattttttt buku yang best!rasa nak borong sume!in fact,a day before,aku dah beli sbijik buku ni. tapi aku xtahan tengok banyak lagi buku yg ada.
sooo...this is the book that i bought a day before.dah lamatak baca buke cmni.well.. i love to read about history..buku ni sangat menarik dan mneyentuh hati sebab kt dalam tu diceritakan suasana masyarakat jahiliah di Makkah dan sekitarnya. tersentuh hati bila baca betapa berat dan sukarnya perjalanan Rasul yang terakhir...u all pn patut baca.boleh dapat gambarannya walaupun tak tergambar rasanya..it was gud!~MUHAMMAD THE MESSENGER..
Then,smalam aku beli lagi 2 bijik! tak rasa membazir pn sebab buku tu kan peneman la jugak di kala sunyi.heheh..actually aku nak cari some motivational books tak pn bibliography ke...tapi tak jumpe yg berkenan di hati mueheheh...and finalllyyy...aku terbeli novel melayu!heh!~lama dah xbeli novel kot...last beli pn I LOVE YOU STUPID!so kira okkey la tu kan =p
Lagi satu,motivational book la jugak "IT'S CALLED A BREAKUP BECAUSE IT'S BROKEN".errrkkk..buku ni bukan ke untuk orang yg baru je break up@putus cinta?apa hal pulak aku pegi beli?well..i'm currently not in that situation!hehe..entah.tengok tajuk buku ni cambest tu yang aku beli. tak salah rasanye.ambik sebagai pengajaran..it was about different perspective from the author.best!
buku kat bawah tu novel melayu that i mentioned before.ISTERI SEPARUH MASA.aku beli jugak sebab the previous novel from the same author Suri Ryana, best jugak!tajuk novel tu M.A.I.D.x boring la baca sbb comedy romantic. i like that genre..more relaxxx...
wonder la jugak bila aku mampu abeskan buku2 ni,tp don't worry..i have plenty of time lepas final exam.walaupun time tu tengah intern tapi rasanyai still have time to read.kalau baca sume smpai abes pun nanti mana nak cari lagi buku yg best2?.kat Bandar K.Terengganu agak limited buku2 yang ada.kalau nak jugak pergi POPULAR BOOKSTORE...i need to travel almost 2 hours!rasanye mmg tade lah orang nak bawak..hehe,,susah jugak bookworm kn?bookworm le sesannggatttt...hehehehe....tu la..aku sebenranye nak cadangkan POPULAR bukak lagi satu cawangan ka terengganu.why not they all bukak kt Bandar KT tu kan..untung.. sebab ramai bookworm..really???yep!
Look what i've got! yummyy!strawberry....i'm craving for it!tu yang beli jugak smalam.aku ni tabiatnya kalau nak makan something,tak bleh tahan2.kena jugakmakan.Kalah orang prgnant!heeee......psssttt..korean strawberry!so what????blurrr...
Lepas ni tgk la apa pulak yang aku mngidam.buku dah,strawberry pn dahh..maybe the next is SOUL GARDEN!haha..till then!
*this is not the wordless wednesday...for sure...yup!
-i realize something different happened to me..sometimes i even don't know myself at all.
enter the bookstore and stop beside the shelf and staring at the book.what book??haha..u have change my dear self!but i'm still the old one.full of mystery but still hold that principe.
Gonna Miss You Miss Ros Putih ~
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